Contact Us

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in our farm!

We would Love to hear from you!

We would Love to hear from you!

Please contact us using the form below or give a call at


We no longer offer a vegetable CSA and are booked for wedding flowers next year. Our farm menu will include fruit and value added products for sale, (hopefully lots of pickles!), flower art, and seasonal ways to gather and share our love of plants, food and learning with others.

During the growing season (March - November) we are in the field and have limited email access from Thursday through Sunday. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

With gratitude,


Organic Farmers, Owners Hilltop Community Farm, LLC

Thank you for being in touch! We look forward to hearing from you!

Our farm is located at S850 Heidrich Rd, La Valle, WI.