Fruit and Fruit Produts
Grow, Eat, Preserve, and Enjoy Fruit from the Farm
We sell our fruit by the pint or pound to those who like fruit fresh or for preserving.
We also sell fruit wholesale to restaurants.
Sign-up for Fruit Availability: Enjoy Fruit by the Pint or Pound: If you'd like to order a pint or several pounds of fruit, please contact us. We will let you know availability and pricing and sign up as fruit becomes available.
Pick-up/delivery is at the farm or at our Madison drop site.
A Season in Fruit:
Our season starts with Elderflower, Red, White and Black currants, in late June/early July followed by clove currants, elderberry, and aronia berry (and if we are lucky plums) in August with pears, hardy kiwi, apples and raspberries in September/October. Quince is back on the menu and we hope to offer it again in 2024.

We are happy to share the fruit harvest with you. Please let us know how we can hook you up!

Quince, the quintessential Cooks fruit, though marginal hardiness for Wisoconsin. We found this out this year as all but one of our trees in our orchard died from cold.

Pears ripening
A Fruit Feast through the Seasons

elderberry flower

elderberry fruit

hardy kiwi flower

kiwi & aster

plum harvest 2013

hop harvest

Rob, Matt, and Caitlin at the wall of kiwi

Rob & quince blossoms

quince harvest

apple ripening

currant sampler

Red Currant Sunsets

Elderberry juicing 2014

Seaberry fruit, August 2014 - orange is the new orange

Plum goodness. Original artwork by Julianne Hunter, Future Deco Design


Clove Currant Blossoms

Apple blossoms unfolding

Clove Currant Blossoms
Cherry Blossom Bliss

Currants, cherries, delphinium bliss

Ripe Clapp's Favorite Pears

Honeyberry ripening

Apricot blossoms